VSOL OLT Default Password is very common. VSOL is a Chinese company that supplies the Network device. They mostly supply Optical Line Terminal (OLT), Switch, Router, etc. They are trendy right now and make their device updated regularly.
VSOL OLT Default Password
People love new features and facilities. Vsol makes their OLT and Switch updated and makes some new features regularly. Most of the device’s default passwords are the same.
vsol olt default User =admin
vsol olt default password =Xpon@Olt9417#
vsol olt default IP = 192.168. 8.200
Firstly, An OLT is on, we need to configure it. Here, are 2 ways to configure it.
- Using Console
- Management Port Using
If you using a console then you need to check first from your CMD run and check whether your connectivity is ok or not. After your connection, you just enter and log in using the default username and password.
If you want to connect via the Management port then you should know about the management port first. Every device has one management port named AUX or MGMT port. Here need to know about the device’s default IP.
For example in this VSOL OLT default ip is and the subnet mask is always. So You can use any /24-block IP in your PC or laptop for establishing the PC to OLT connection. VSOL EPON OLT default IP and Gpon OLT default IP are the same.